Our Top Wedding Tips

  • Reuse, reuse and reuse!

    We know how expensive weddings are! We’ve been there ourselves! Your venue is usually more than happy to transport items from your ceremony to your reception for you.
    Think floral arbour turned bridal table backdrop.
    Think aisle candles turned table decor.
    Think outside the box with this one and save room in the budget for more important things (like hiring us of course! hehe).

  • It is Your Wedding

    You want to use bubbles instead of confetti? But your MIL thinks it’s more traditional to use confetti? Well guess what? It’s your wedding, not hers. Our families often get over invested in our big days for many reasons. Especially if they are contributing financially it can get hard to not let the pressures of their opinions get the better of us. But at the end of the day, the only regrets you’ll truly have about your wedding is not doing it he way YOU wanted. So go ahead, order those bubbles and enjoy every minute.

  • More Tips Coming soon!

    We’ll be right back with many, many more tips! For now, enjoy the rest of our website and we look forward to chatting florals with you soon.

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